Action Rocket at the IAB Twitter #VideoIsHappening event

Action Rocket at the IAB Twitter #VideoIsHappening event

On Tuesday I attended The Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) Upfronts event for Twitter in London, with a whole range of hosts and speakers including a couple of celebrities!

Action Rocket at the IAB Upfronts AttentiON event

Action Rocket at the IAB Upfronts AttentiON event

Last Thursday, we attended our first event in a while (and as a new team) – The IAB Upfronts at Facebook HQ in London.

5 observations about the B2B email marketing space

5 observations about the B2B email marketing space

The strategy team here have been spending a lot of time on B2B emails recently and in doing so, we’ve noticed a lack of conversation around the topic (it is even harder to find examples, unless you’re a business that actually receive them). To help…