Action Rocket at the Codepen Brighton Meet Up
October 10th was the second Codepen Brighton Meet up. An awesome idea to bring together a group of codepen users of any level of coding experience and no matter the size of the codepen.
The evening starts with beer and food, as all good nights should. It gave everyone a chance to chat and hear what people were presenting, but also hear about how others work. One of the organisers was Mark Robbins from Rebel Mail; was great hearing how the acquirement by Salesforce is a move in the right direction, with exciting things coming soon.
Apart from Mark, I was the only other email coder at the meet, so chatting to people and hearing there reactions were funny and insightful. “I don’t know how you could code email all day – it would drive me crazy!” – “Do you still use tables?!?” – “I tried to make a newsletter once…”
The best thing about the meetup, is the people you meet, but also the inspiration from all the cool code pens. Even if a lot was software/javascript/web development – it sent loads of ideas flying into my head.
Thanks to @M_J_Robbins and @Cassiecodes for organising the Codepen Brighton meetup – checkout the @codepenbtn on twitter.
I also had the opportunity to show off something I had been working on, more experience chatting to groups and also talking more technical. The gasp from the audience when I showed all the CSS was the best bit!
Jay Oram – @emailjay_
Coder @ Action Rocket