The green energy provider rocking customer experience
Next in our hunt for brands that have great CRM programmes is another brand who switches our lights on. I never thought I’d look forward to receiving a bill… then along came Bulb.
Bulb is a UK based clean, green, energy providing, email slaying machine. I’ll take you through the email journey and how easy they make it. They quote so quickly and assure you that they handle the entire switch.
What’s the fuss all about?
Quote – This took seconds and they provide useful information to help users make their decision.
Sign-up – Once I’d submitted my information I felt there was an actual sense of relief and trust, I had just knocked £60 off my bill a month and also felt like if I needed to update or change anything, they would be easy to get hold of. But wait, it gets better – the on-boarding programme.
Email 1 – Same day confirmation: Letting the customer know that they will be in touch once the switch is done and dusted. (They offer £50 for both the referrer and signer-upper, hence the GIF.)
Email 2 – same day: The welcome emails officially begun, including a full on personalised schedule.
(I was still late to submit my reading despite the advanced warning as my meter is basically on the ceiling.)
Email 3 – 2 days after sign up: Refer a friend, and feel good about it in the process.
Email 4 – 8 days after sign up: Another great message in the flow focusing around keeping the engagement going through the long process on-boarding can be.
Email 5 – 18 days after sign up: Account about to open and first payment date reminder. Includes a link to how they are able to provide lower energy prices. Loving the consistent transparency throughout the entire experience so far.
Email 6 – 19 days after sign up: meter reading reminder
Email 7 – 21 days after sign up: Confirmation of reward from referral
Amazing email doesn’t just stop there…
The programme, as expected, seems to have a few other programmes running alongside to help with the personalised timeline of each customer. For example, I also received meter reading reminders, energy price increase and updates, referral programme updates and even a helpful suggestion to temporarily increase my bill amount to help cover the winter months so I remain in credit for the new year.
Overall I feel like they have really made an effort to think about the unique journey of each customer and email is at the centre of it all. Everything about their UX just make everything easier for the customer. On your dashboard you can do everything so easily:
This on-boarding programme and Bulb’s overall customer first approach makes a long and sometimes onerous process a breeze, they keep customers updated use digital comms to elevate this journey and all touchpoints interact seamlessly for a consistent brand experience. Bravo!
Millie Bartlett
Strategist @ Action Rocket