The subscription company that is Un-BEE-lievable

I’ve got a ‘bee’ in my bonnet about locating great CRM programmes and next in line for review are the children’s book specialists – Bookabees who show that you can be small but mighty when it comes to nailing great customer comms.
Bookabees are a subscription book club for children that deliver hand-picked books and activities in a personalised way tailored to your child based on age, interest and with a little help from you.
What’s the fuss all about?
Once you sign up, select which type of subscription and number of books you’re ready to go. Next step is to create your child’s profile giving key information used to generate tailored recommendations. The interests selectable change based on age range:
Next comes the email confirmation giving all you need to know to get the best out of your subscription including using great video content to give the lowdown simply into how the book club works and increase interaction.
Countdown to first book
Throughout the journey, Bookabees give you ways to tailor the types of books generated. Via a recommendations engine, they let you know early on what’s coming giving time to adjust and prioritise books you love. This email focuses on the selected books giving insight, reading advice as well as key information and deadlines clearly.
Hip, hip hooray, it’s Bookabees day
Final email in the series is exciting you about the upcoming delivery, inviting you to share the love on social media.
The fun doesn’t stop there….
Once the box arrives the excitement starts! From the level of personalisation to the activities, stickers and books Bookabees pulls together an array of fun for everyone.
This stripped back programme focuses on guidance leading you through seamlessly and exciting you in the process. Their customer first approach is priority with online tools giving the customer power to change subscription, delivery or book selection simply.
Many big brands could take a leaf out of Bookabees approach. Why does it always need to be complicated?!
Holly Mander
Strategist @ Action Rocket