Spotted: HTML 5 comes to email
So over the past 6 months or so, web designers have been getting to play around with HTML 5, which is an update on the HTML standard that natively includes features like controls for audio/video playback and drag and drop. Traditionally, these kind of things have required a mixture of javascript and plugins such as flash, and as a result have not been available in HTML email, primarily due to security concerns.
However as HTML 5 starts to be supported by email clients and web browsers, it opens up the doors for a much richer experience for the user, and allows marketers to experiment with things like scrolling product boxes, and video & audio with controls.
Recently different email client providers have been moving towards supporting this type of technology, particularly webmail clients, who have been adding HTML 5 doctypes to their pages (this was behind the recent Gmail/Firefox issue). This week’s announcement by Yahoo Mail builds on that – as they’ve just announced a beta version of their new HTML 5 Mobile Webmail for iPhone and iPod touch.
If you’re on an iPhone or iPod touch, you can access the new beta by visiting and tapping on ‘Preview the new Yahoo! Mail’.
Looking at the beta on an iPhone 4 really shows what HTML 5 is capable of, and where email clients are going – it’s exciting!
Above: this is the inbox view – you can see a carousel of photo thumbnails, which have been rotated and had a drop shadow added. You can gesture left and right to scroll through photos. These are custom published, so these are from my friends on flickr.
Below: there’s a similar view at the top of the email itself
Below: Here’s what’s really clever – when you click/thumb an image it opens into a nice lightbox style preview:
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