Email Innovations Summit 2016 #EIS16 in Tweets
We’re at the Email Innovations Summit in Vegas (baby!) today and tomorrow. Here are our tweetable highlights from the design and content side of things…
Innovation in Email Design – Elliot Ross, Justine Jordan, Mark Robbins, John Thies
You not only have to worry about email client support, but also ESP support when it comes to interactive email + advanced techniques #EIS16
— Kevin Mandeville (@KevinMandeville) May 18, 2016
PSA: Gmail renders differently- Gmail (webmail) has minimal CSS support in <head> + Google Apps (webmail)/Google App (mobile) doesn’t #EIS16
— Kevin Mandeville (@KevinMandeville) May 18, 2016
PSA: Gmail renders differently- Gmail (webmail) has minimal CSS support in <head> + Google Apps (webmail)/Google App (mobile) doesn’t #EIS16
— Kevin Mandeville (@KevinMandeville) May 18, 2016
To alleviate any future confusion… Fluid-Hybrid = Hybrid = Spongy = Fluid-to-Fixed. Hybrid is most used term. #EIS16 cc/ @KevinMandeville
— Jason Rodriguez (@RodriguezCommaJ) May 18, 2016
btw lots of code bits for hybrid and responsive email are at #EIS16
— Elliot Ross (@iamelliot) May 18, 2016
btw all the templates you get in @taxiforemail are fluid/hybrid so check that out and take them to bits yo! #EIS16
— Elliot Ross (@iamelliot) May 18, 2016
“Can you give me some advice on when I can call bullshit on my engineering team? [re: how long it takes to code]” Best question. #EIS16 — EmailSnarketing (@EmailSnarketing) May 18, 2016
Excited to be talking about Innovation in Email Design today with @meladorri @johnethies @M_J_Robbins #EIS16 — Elliot Ross (@iamelliot) May 18, 2016
You said it @meladorri – “Innovation isn’t just about technology, it’s a mindset”. Innovation must be adopted to make a diifference. #EIS16 — Digital Additive (@DigitalAdditive) May 18, 2016
5 minutes to the Email Vendor Shootout – don’t miss it. Fast paced discussion from definitely not hungover email all stars #EIS16
— Simms Jenkins (@SimmsJenkins) May 18, 2016
Really like @iamelliot‘s take on innovation in email being more about how we think about content, communication, and cadence. #EIS16 — Jason Rodriguez (@RodriguezCommaJ) May 18, 2016
While we’ve been talking about bulletproof buttons, etc. for a long time, there are still SO MANY PEOPLE that are clueless in email. #EIS16
— Jason Rodriguez (@RodriguezCommaJ) May 18, 2016
it can look different but still be on brand though #EIS16 — Elliot Ross (@iamelliot) May 18, 2016
There’s a range of things we can do when innovating in email. From the simple (animated GIFs) to the complex (Twitter feed emails). #EIS16
— Jason Rodriguez (@RodriguezCommaJ) May 18, 2016
Innovation goes beyond a quick dollar. It delights users, makes people love brands, and encourages them to seek out your campaigns. #EIS16 — Jason Rodriguez (@RodriguezCommaJ) May 18, 2016
The sweet spot. #EIS16
— Matt Dionne (@ctctmd) May 18, 2016
Fantastic panel on creative at #EIS16 w/ @meladorri and others. — Ryan Phelan (@ryanpphelan) May 18, 2016
Starting your own consultancy
“Don’t try to wear too many hats. Sometimes the hat you’re wearing doesn’t fit well.” @kathpay #EIS16
— EmailSnarketing (@EmailSnarketing) May 18, 2016
Writing and speaking at conferences is way better/easier for getting leads than cold calling. ~@jeajen #truth #EIS16 — EmailSnarketing (@EmailSnarketing) May 18, 2016
Wish I had seen this panel before I started freelancing. These ladies are incredible. @e_Maven @kathpay @SyncMarketing @jeajen #EIS16
— EmailSnarketing (@EmailSnarketing) May 18, 2016
My brain costs more than a latte. I hate when people ask to “pick my brain.” ~EIS16 — EmailSnarketing (@EmailSnarketing) May 18, 2016
Parry Malm
As email marketers, we’re much more than opens and clicks. We have the only channel guaranteeing 100% brand reach @ParryMalm #EIS16 — Samantha Iodice (@e_Maven) May 18, 2016
Pre headers have a huge impact, second only to Subject Lines. Should follow SL logically in context, brand, and impact @ParryMalm #EIS16 — Samantha Iodice (@e_Maven) May 18, 2016
Best subject line and welcome email ever. Well played @ParryMalm well played. You proved your point. @phrasee #EIS16
— Eric Lepetit (@ericlepetitsf) May 18, 2016
Subject lines create brand impressions, make sure your subject lines are making a great one. @parrymalm #EIS16 — Luke Glasner (@Lukes_Tweets) May 18, 2016
“A subject line is like a billboard for your brand. Even if they don’t open the email, they still see the subject line.” ~@ParryMalm #EIS16 — EmailSnarketing (@EmailSnarketing) May 18, 2016
“Let’s just lead by doing better email.” ~@ParryMalm // #EIS16 #preach
— EmailSnarketing (@EmailSnarketing) May 18, 2016
It’s your brand. Make it your subject line #EIS16 — Nick Hc (@nickhajicosti) May 18, 2016
At every company I’ve worked at, brand voice trumps opens/clicks. Clickbait sucks. We’re better than this. #EIS16
— EmailSnarketing (@EmailSnarketing) May 18, 2016
The Millennials Do/Don’t Use Email
Millennials don’t use email, they just make it their careers and speak at email conferences. #eis16
— EmailSnarketing (@EmailSnarketing) May 18, 2016
#eis16 we should stop defining people as millennials and attributing behaviours to them. it’s incredibly dangerous for your strategy.
— Elliot Ross (@iamelliot) May 18, 2016
Mark Robbins is an Email Wizard
His entire presentation on interactive email WAS AN EMAIL. Major mic drop from @M_J_Robbins at #EIS16. #EmailInceptionSummit — Alessandra Souers (@asouers) May 18, 2016
using @M_J_Robbins 3D email to explain why we need a VR headset in our device lab for email testing #EIS16 …might be a bit of a stretch
— Brian Sisolak (@bsisolak) May 18, 2016
3D email at #eis16 MIND BLOWN 😆🎉 — Elliot Ross (@iamelliot) May 18, 2016
Updated interactive email support: interactive 61%, limited 19%, static 20% – the *majority* of email clients support interactive! #EIS16 — Kevin Mandeville (@KevinMandeville) May 18, 2016
Oh Hai Bill!
@BillMcCloskey takes the stage at #eis16 way to kick off the show! — George DiGuido (@gwdbis3) May 18, 2016
Because Vegas
Why are we here? @ParryMalm Because it’s Vegas? LOL #existentialism at #EIS16 — Karen Talavera (@SyncMarketing) May 18, 2016
Man! Really wish I was at #EIS16 this week! Gotta ‘slot’ this one in next year. See what I did there? 🎲♠️♣️♥️♦️
— Anthony Chiulli (@AnthonyChiulli) May 18, 2016