Email Inspiration: B&Q Interactive Email

We love this B&Q email that Mark Robbins spotted on Twitter, because there is almost everything you’d want to do in an email going on. First off, there’s a custom published barcode, which contains the user’s unique member number. It’s also very nicely responsive. But the main reason we love this email is that it contains an interactive offer carousel, which changes when you mouseover different menu items.
So an interactive carousel — how do you go about making that? It looks mostly to be a pretty hefty combination of CSS transformations, fixed CSS positions and a touch of Z-index. There’s a sneaky bit of javascript but it’s unclear if that’s just for the web-hosted view, where support for Javascript is less of an issue.
As you’d expect, the interactive element doesn’t work everywhere (pretty much only in webkit powered devices/clients in fact), but it falls back to a more conventional looking email everywhere else.
Jason Holland
Alexander Barber
Joe Garite II
Steve Light