Email Inspiration: Sugru Newsletter

Sugru is a cool little product which lets you hack and repair everyday items. It’s similar to modeling clay, but once it’s exposed to air, it cures to a tough flexible silicone overnight using the moisture in the air. You can find out more here.

Their email has three exciting things in it (from an email designer’s perspective!)

1) A cool tiling whole page background – we don’t see enough of these, and in this case it looks really effective. It’s best practice that the content is max 600-700px, but the background can expand and collapse as required.
2) User generated content – tons of it, really engaging and helps build a community feeling – that’s especially prevalent here given the do-it-yourself nature of the product.
3) A youtube-screengrab-as-link module – a great way to simultaneously encourage click throughs and integrate engaging video content into the email experience.

Our main best practice recommendation would be to increase the prominence of links to drive to the site and/or online store. As the email may be going out to existing customers, it may also be worth looking at sharing functionality to allow people to virally share the email with their friends and social networks.