39 Tweetable Email Tips from #TEDC14

39 Tweetable Email Tips from #TEDC14

We had an awesome time this week at The Email Design Conference in Boston. Here’s our highlights from the Twitter feed. New Ideas Good discourse at #TEDC14. Next generation of email creators don’t want shortcuts, they want to know how to do new things. Refreshing.…

Highlights from Completely Email Conference 2014

Highlights from Completely Email Conference 2014

Last week we went to the inaugural Completely Email conference in Central London. Speakers included Becs Rivett, Kirsty Trainer, Alex Ilhan, Mark Robbins and Tim Watson.

Are soft opt-ins a good email experience?

Are soft opt-ins a good email experience?

When you visit a supermarket in the UK, one of the first things you have to do is give a pound coin deposit before you can get hold of a shopping trolley (sorry, cart). It is an awful way to start a customer relationship. It…

Realmac: Cleaning up our list

Realmac: Cleaning up our list

I’ve not seen many campaigns like this, so thought it’d be a good share. This email from software house Realmac is almost entirely about unsubscribing – giving people who aren’t interested in receiving future emails a chance to opt out, and in the process tidying…

What would a Gmail snooze button mean for email marketers?

What would a Gmail snooze button mean for email marketers?

Rumour has it that Google are experimenting with adding a snooze button to the mobile Gmail app. According to Geek.com, a snooze button would allow users to effectively save their email for later.