How Email Marketers Should Streamline Their Design Process

We love to push email’s boundaries creating beautiful engaging emails for our clients, using Taxi for Email as a platform to bridge the gap between designing, editing and sending email campaigns.
Keeping consistency throughout the whole process of creating email is key, but also often difficult to master correctly. For larger teams it is important to remain in control of branding and keep design templates consistent, something which can be challenging when different teams are sending various emails. Frustrations can also occur from the amends cycle, something which can often be unnecessarily long, particularly when there are many stakeholders. Finding the right tool to host your design, and sending it for sign off without the worry that anything could be accidentally changed is therefore extremely important.
We have learnt that using a design system can streamline this process making the email creation journey easier, shorter, and most importantly stress free. Marketers are able to oversee their team’s workflows, regaining time from day to day production to explore significant work improvements.
Using a platform which does not disrupt any code structure, and allows non-coders access to templates without damaging any emails is vital. Having a place where all team members can work collaboratively and feel safe working within each template is extremely important. Taxi works alongside our email production team and the client’s email service provider, enabling everyone to work together effectively.
How does Taxi help us as an agency?
Our designers are invaluable, it is essential for us to ensure their time is focused on building a template which pushes the brand forward, and can they can have detailed control on how it is used. Marketers and copywriters then have the flexibility to create and edit the campaigns focusing on creating great content, and designers aren’t disrupted by last minute changes. Our clients can then see their master template, and designers can give editors enough control to create new campaigns and use previous templates. Once an email campaign is complete, the client can then see their master template and export the code directly into any email service provider.
How does Taxi help our clients?
Once we have created and delivered the HTML to the client there is still a risk of issues occurring within the code before sending. Diving into the template can cause many problems, by breaking the fragile email code or using a visual editor which does not agree with the template. We often receive further email amends, and our designers must then re-work on the code adding extra time to tight deadlines. We found when our clients use Taxi they are able to modify their email campaigns versions themselves as they need.
As the best email campaigns sit at the intersection of data and creativity, it is an industry driven by technology and human decisions. It is important for us as an agency to use Taxi, giving our clients the large amount of flexibility they often need. Using the best possible tools collectively to send great email campaigns at the highest standard.
Bex Highfield
Marketing Manager @ Action Rocket