Tag: outlook

Dark Mode in email

Dark Mode in email

In recent months a new challenge has come up for email designers and developers – Dark mode – email clients changing your beautiful email design! 

International Animation Day #4

International Animation Day #4

With all the animations you are now inspired to create and use in your emails – you’ll want to know the best way to do it. Gifs have great support across all email clients, except, you guessed it, Outlook 2007-2016 (How did you know?).

Gmail users like cats, Outlook users like dogs

Gmail users like cats, Outlook users like dogs

Gmail users tend to be male, drive a Mazda and earn more than Yahoo! Mail users, according to the newly released YouGov Profiler. The profiler allows us to delve into YouGov’s mass of collected data on the UK public, and by filtering by brand, build…