Industry Weekly Wrap-Up

Our links cover email, design and user experience this week. Enjoy our industry wrap-up and let us know if you think there’s something we missed!

1. Fantastic UX Decisions: Making a Good User Experience InsertHTML
2. 25 powerful triggers for laser guided marketing campaigns Econsultancy
3. Why I don’t love special characters: Part 1 by Luke Glasner eDataSource
4. Christopher S. Penn on Why Email Marketing is Here to stay SalesForce
5. Designing effective email subject lines for action not open Zettasphere
6. Instagram update with 15 second video support now available on iOS and Android TNW
7. Web Designing For Mobile Devices: 12 Ruling Trends Of Present And Near Future GDJ
8. 10 Most Pointless Websites On The Internet… Like Really… TrendBlog